
Today, SEDGE THOMSON, presents Nobel, Noble and Nobler show.  


The droll and thoughtful KAZUO ISHIGURO, now forever to be introduced as the Nobel Prize winning author, talks with Sedge  and how Agatha Christie’s murderous vicar may be a metaphor for the world. 


ANNE LAMOTT’s thoughtful reflections on a gun massacre help us find our way through the pain to a nobility of spirit. 


And LANG LANG gets a speeding ticket for his virtuosic performance on West Coast Live. He played a concert this week despite an injured arm with the aid of two great pianists. The show must go on. 


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It's Sedge's flaneur files.  


Insights abound. 


Laughs, too. 


Mike Greensill on hand and The Conspiracy of Venus sings a song lifted from punk rock.