Sedge Thomson's West Coast Live, San Francisco's Radio Show to the World!

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This week, SEDGE THOMSON present the COOL TOOLS, COOL TUNES show.

The wired and rewired tech thinker KEVIN KELLY explains why humans will forever be tech newbies.  He reveals his coolest tool which help with sandwiches, he says.

Author ANNE LAMOTT marvels how her Some Assembly Required made it past her son Sam' vetting.  It's a sequel to life, to Operating Instructions.  She also explans how clothes shrink in closets -- it has to do with lack of air circulation.

RUBBER SOULDIERS play extended verisions of Beatles songs - as Lennon-McCartney produced Iron Butterfly-length cuts for FM Album Oriented radio from another era instead of their 2:42 pop songs.  The groove is suppled by the ROWAN BROTHERS and DAVID GANS. Dance along.

MIKE GREENSILL is tripped up by technology yet improvs a solution with his own human wit.

Delightful show.